
Last Updated October 19, 2024     

Adult Bible Class will be at 9:15 the fellowship hall.

High Youth Bible Class meets on Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m. in the Youth Room on the School Lower Level. Youth who have graduated from 8th grade through Senior year in High School are invited to join us for Bible Study, Fellowship, and Snacks!

Sunday School – Join us this Sunday, from 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. for Sunday School!

- Parents & Babies (birth - 2 years old) will meet in the Nursery in the Church Lower Level.

-Preschool 3 year olds - Kindergarten will meet in Tracks

- 1st - 6th grade will meet in the school cafeteria.

- 7th & 8th grade in the learning center. 

Church Fall Work Day – The Fall Yard Workday at Good Shepherd will be on Saturday, November 2nd,  starting at 8 a.m. Please bring rakes, shovels, etc. to help. Please see Marty Hoffman with any questions.

Pastor Packer has a Fascinating Finds page and a Book List page. Please visit these links.

Christian Fiction Book Club: Ladies, please join us, the Good Shepherd Christian Fiction Book Club, at Panera in Collinsville on the third Monday of every month. The October meeting is tonight, October 21st and we will be discussing The Forge by Chris Fabry. Hope to see you there!

Good Shepherd Lutheran Early Childhood Center is looking for caring teacher aids. If you are feeling called to assist, or know someone who would, even if it is a few hours a week, please reach out to Rebecca Nobbe at or call the school office at (618) 344-3153.

Good Shepherd Lutheran School is looking for kind and caring substitute teachers to ensure our students continue to thrive when teachers need to be out of the classroom. Substitute teaching is a great opportunity for future teachers, stay at home parents, retirees, part-time employees and anyone that wants to make a difference. You will need to have a substitute teaching license. We provide substitutes a flexible work schedule that a substitute teacher can tailor to their needs. This includes choosing the grade level(s) and /or subjects you’d like to teach. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested in being a substitute teacher for Good Shepherd, please call the school office at 618-344-3153 and ask for Jennifer Osborn.

Upcoming Youth Events:
November 10th - Bonfire at the Loemker's House 6pm-8pm - Junior High Students
November 17th - Dinner and a Movie at the Kober's House  4:30pm-8:00 pm - Senior High Students

Thank You to all who helped make Harvest Fest a success by praying for, serving at, and attending Harvest Fest! A special thank you to Mike Schneider for the use of the golf cart, Jeff Budnicki for the propane tanks, and the many others who donated time or money. Also thank you to everyone that reached out to their communities and invited family, friends and neighbors.

Thank you for a job well done to all of the women, men and children who helped with set-up, decorations, food preparation, take-down and clean-up for Pastor Gray’s Installation dinner on Saturday and Sunday. You all are very much appreciated!!!

VETERANS: Good Shepherd Lutheran School would like to invite all veterans to a special thank you tribute to our men and women who have served our country or are currently serving. Please join us on Monday, November 11th, at 2:00 p.m. in the school gym for the students to show you their thanks for your service. Please RSVP to the school office (618-344-3153) or email so that we will have enough seating. The students always look forward to this special opportunity so please come and be a part of it!!

LWML Monthly meeting: November 7, 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall:  Speaker from Monarch Agency (fighting human trafficking).  Ingathering:  Peanut Butter and Jelly for St. Louis Seminary.

The Saturday Morning Women’s Bible Study on November 9 is a 3-part Bible Study by Donna Snow “Experience the JOY – Then SHARE It! If you cannot make all 3 sessions, no concerns! Come and “Experience the JOY” when you are available.

Handbell Choir practice for the fall season has began. There is practice on 10/29, 11/12 & 11/19 at 6:45 p.m. No experience is necessary, if you can count, you can play. Please contact Cheryl Urban at 618-407-0867 or for information or any questions. Please consider joining us!

Help Us Finish Our $3+ Million Dollar Loan! - Good Shepherd’s Early Childhood Center has been a blessing for children since 2015. We are asking for assistance from our Good Shepherd family to help pay off this loan! Our remaining balance is 458,000. Donations are tax deductible and can be made via check to GSLC or through any of our Online Giving platforms by designating your gift for our Building Loan Fund. Thank you for your support of Good Shepherd and our mission, “To Feed the Sheep Who Have Been Found & To Find the Sheep That Are Still Lost.

Lutheran Young Adults - Join LYA for a fall hike at Pere Marquette State Park at 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 26th. Have fellowship with other young adults and enjoy God's creation. Meet at the parking lot by the visitor's center. 

Metro-East Lutheran High School invites you to an Open House on Sunday, Oct. 27. Stop by anytime between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to tour our campus, meet our teachers, chat with administrators, and get answers to all of your questions about the Knight life. For more information, call the school office at 618-656-0043 or email

Metro-East Lutheran High School will host its 45th annual Night of Knights Dinner Auction on Friday, Nov. 1, at Julia's Banquet Center in East Alton. Doors open at 5 p.m., with dinner at 6:30 p.m.Tickets are now available to purchase online at For more information, email

Cyber Security Awareness Presentation at St. Paul, Hamel,  October 26th - 10:00am
Do you want to learn how to protect yourself from online threats, such as hackers, scammers, and identity thieves? Do you want to know how to spot the signs of a fraudulent email, phone call, or website? Do you want to know how to use social media safely and securely?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, come to a presentation here at St. Paul Hamel, (6969 W. Frontage Rd. Worden, IL 62097) on cyber security awareness on Saturday, October 26th at 10:00am. This presentation will help you understand the risks and challenges of using the internet, and give you some practical tips and best practices to stay safe online.
The presentation will be about 90 minutes long, and will cover the following topics:
-Top Things to ALWAYS recognize as a Scam or Common Red Flags
-Some Typical Cyber Attacks, Hacks or Scams
-Best Practices for Security
-Social Media Security
The presenter, Matt Bowers, a member of St. Paul, Hamel, has worked in the technology industry for 25 plus years, as a Chief Information Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, Management Consultant, and as a security professional.  He has over 25 certifications in the IT and technology industry.  He has delivered cyber security presentations in various venues over the last 15 years.

Gateway Ringers are preforming on October 27th, 4pm at St. Peters UCC in Washington, MO.

The Lutheran Witness Subscription – If you would like to subscribe to receive The Lutheran Witness in 2025, please contact the church office. The cost is $27.85 for the year.

Braille - 10 members of GS go to Zion, Bethalto the first Thursday of every month to assemble Braille Books. We are in need of volunteers as substitutes and possibly monthly workers due to some long term illnesses. We work from approximately 9:00-11:00 or 11:30. We is easy, fulfilling mission work. If you can help with this mission, contact the church office or Kathy Bohnet at 618- 910-1698.

Help with Shut-ins - Good Shepherd has approximately 30 shut-ins and “lonelies” (those able to navigate outside their homes but have little contact with other people). The Board of Congregational Life is searching for members, both male and female, who would be willing to be a regular visitor to a shut-in (some in their homes, some in nursing homes).  You could potentially do this with a friend or your spouse and extend the circle of relationships. Please prayerfully consider this need and call or e-mail the church office if you are willing to give it a try.  (618-344-3151)

Meals for Moms - Having a baby or know someone at church who is having one? The Good Shepherd Life Team would love to serve Mom and the family by providing a few meals. Either Mom or a friend can contact the church office to get meals delivered. If you would be interested if providing a meal, please contact the church office as well or contact Pam Meister – 618-799-9348.

Meals on Wheels needs volunteers from Good Shepherd to drive and deliver meals to clients who are elderly, disabled or homebound.   Deliveries are from 10:15 am until about 11:15 during weekdays.  Our church rotates with other area churches and is responsible for delivering 5 weeks of the year. The delivery week occurs about every 3 months.  If you can help or have questions please call or text Rochelle Meyer at 618-978-4474 or email

International Student Ministry is a District ministry of friendship and hospitality to students arriving at SIUE.  We make contacts through household donations. This fall some 400 international students arrived on campus.  We have been assisting them with household items, mattresses, loveseats, kitchen items, blenders, pots, rice cookers, vacuums, rugs.  If you could help with any of these items it would be appreciated.  Recently an apartment building in Edwardsville burned affecting 6 apartments with about 24 international students.   We are seeking to assist the internationals refurbish their new apartments.  If you could help with any items, please contact Bessie Fick 515-230-9937 or

Issues, Etc.- LUTHERANISM IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE… Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week's topics include: The Movie “Joker Folie a Deux,” A Christian Response to Jordan Peterson’s Appeal with Young Men, The 50th Anniversary of the Walkout at Concordia Seminary, Hurricane Milton Relief Efforts and more.  You can listen on-demand at, the LPR mobile app, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple HomePod, TuneIn or a podcast provider.  You can also tune in live weekdays from 3–5 p.m. on KFUO, 850 AM in St. Louis.

LCMS Foundation - God has entrusted you with His gifts to apply them to care of family and support of ministry. You want to be sure that after the Lord has called you home, your intentions are followed. There is a fine line between expressing no direction for use of gifts to ministry, and being too controlling, hampering the ministry from using the gift. Your LCMS Foundation Gift Planning Counselor can engage in conversation about this topic. Contact Scott Radden at (618) 977-4049 or for more information or to start your plan.

We have many on-going Volunteer Opportunities. Check out our Volunteer page to see how you can get involved!

Altar Flowers – To the Glory of God by the Feichtinger family.

Attendance last weekend was 470 with 361 Communing. The offering was: General Fund $17,832 Specials $6,236 including $1,000 for Hurricane Relief, Total $24,068

Thanks to those who serve this week:

Usher Team:(5:30) D. Ulkus  (8:00) M. Scaggs (10:30) K. Splaingard
Altar Guild: (5:30) Eddie Antonovich & Terri Bradtke (8:00 ) Wally & Martha Streuter (10:30) Kathy Seggerman
Greeter: (8:00) Julie Wrigley (10:30) Kent & Kathy Splaingard

Download Good Shepherd’s App so that you have easy access to announcements, videos, online giving, and much more. Also, you can join our Good Shepherd Facebook Group to see additional announcements from the church and individual members.



Prayer List 

Click here to add someone to the Prayer List


Joshua Shasteen, nephew of Larry Shashteen, asleep in Jesus (October 17, 2024)

Mary Jane Rendon, mother of Joel Italiano, having major heart surgery Friday (October 9, 2024)

Army Sgt Alexander Stowers, grandson of Carol & Steve Hyatt, has been deployed to secure location for 10 months (September 22, 2024)

Prayer of Thanksgiving for Barry and Janice Wilson 40th Wedding Anniversary (September 20, 2024)

Mike Ruger Asleep in Jesus (September 23, 2024)

Janette Kienle had a stroke on Saturday (September 15, 2024)

Karen Dall, complications from spinal surgery (September 11, 2024)

Rich Lapolice, hospitalized

Prayers of Thanksgiving for Sarah Mastic, for better health with lukemia (August 29, 2024)

Sarah Suhrenbrock, Friend of Pamela Landwehr, diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (August 29, 2024)

Prayers of thanksgiving for Ken & Kay Jones' 61st wedding anniversary (August 23, 2024)

Allen Hartmann, father of Ron, Asleep in Jesus (August 31,2024)

Prayers to the family of Cadence Carr friends of the Skosky family (August 17, 2024)

Friend of Steve & Carol Hyatt, Dennis Hahn, for liver cancer surgery on Sep 3 to remove the cancer (August 9, 2024)

For the family of Todd Evers, Asleep in Jesus (July 31, 2024)

Harold Hartke, brother of Jon Hartke and son of Erma Hartke. (July 27, 2024)

Nancy Schilbe, in hospital with pancreatic problems (July 21, 2024)

Robert Montgomery, Mitzi Montgomery's son, is hospitalized (July, 18, 2024)

For the family of Anita Hischke, Asleep in Jesus (July 18, 2024)

Joe Heet, friend of Mike Landwehr, who was recently diagnosed with cancer (July 14, 2024)

Melinda Engeling, Member, Ankle Surgery (July 14, 2024)

Margie Maul, sister of Marcy Hawk, breast cancer (June 26, 2024)

Rita Schrader, Relative of Donna Kober, on hospice care (Jun 23, 2024)

Don Metzler Jr. - open heart surgery (June 14, 2024)

For the family of Shelly Rodgers whose dad, Chuck Zimmerman, went to be with the Lord (June 11, 2024)

For Kurt Mueller, family friend of Lela Anson, with cancer (June 7, 2024)

Jim Scaggs, friend of the Hawk Family, complications from a stroke (June 7, 2024)

Brian Rector cousin of Shelly Rodgers, difficult recovery from heart and kidney transplant (June 3, 2024)

Heather Bradtke Clark-leg surgery (June 1, 2024)

For the family of Laurine Mandeville,Asleep in Jesus (May 31, 2024)

Ron Montgomery, Mitzi Montgomery's son, is hospitalized (May 31, 2024)

Bev Ruger, Member, Spinal Surgery (June 2, 2024)

For the family of Pam Holten who passed away,mother of Jessica Smith (May 26, 2024)

Juliana Blasingame: Infant daughter of Ben & Kristen Blasingame virus causing croup & breathing issues (May 23, 2024)

Linda Endraske : Mother in law of Ben Blasingame, hospitalized with breathing problems (May 23, 2024)

Prayer of Thanksgiving for the safe birth of Rosalie Hinson, daughter of Morgan and Lucas Hinson and granddaughter of Brian and Shelly Rodgers (May 22, 2024)

For Matt Pope, son-in-law of Larry and Becky Lemons (May 11, 2024)

For Owen Felts, nephew of Larry and Becky Lemons (May 11, 2024)

For the family of Harry Johnson, father of Lucy Thompson,  who passed away (May 10, 2024)

For the Family of Dotty Kitley, Asleep in Jesus (May 3, 2024)

Mike Whitehead, shoulder surgery (May 1, 2024)

Bob Gnaegy,hospitalized (May 2, 2024)

For the birth of a baby to Kirsten and Dustin Walter (April 27, 2024)

For Dylan Bruns, nephew of Tony Bruns, Heart Transplant (April 25, 2024)

Thanksgiving for the birth of Chance Theodore Wirth to Emily and Billy Wirth (April 16, 2024)

For the Family of Nate and Wilhemina Roney whose grandmother, Dorothy Toth, passed away (April 18, 2024)

For JoAnn Metzler, going into rehab (April 9, 2024)

For Ed Beyer, back in the hospital (April 9, 2024)

Nancy Noascono, aunt to Karen Budnicki, health concerns (April 3, 2023)

Ruth France,hospitalized (March 27, 2024)

Paul Schilbe for healing from diverticulitis. (March 18, 2024)

Bev Friend having a cardiac ablation on March 26th (March 18, 2024)

Zaiah Ben, newborn son of Emmanuel and Joyce, in NICU. (March 11, 2024)

Kathryn Harms, mother of Karla Werre, accidental fall. (March 11, 2024)

Mary Ridinger, former member, in hospice care. (March 11, 2024)

Prayer of thanksgiving for the birth of Iyla Lynn Wright, granddaughter of Tim and Pam Meister  (March 6, 2024)

Beverly Ruger for her Spinal Cord test on Wednesday (March 4, 2024)

Amelia Hood,Hospitalized (March 1, 2024)

Tommy Cooper, Hospitalized (February 24, 2024)

Sue Buchanan, Hospitalized (February 24,2024)

For the family of Donald Koenig, Uncle of Terry Ritter, Asleep in Jesus (February 24, 2024)

Emily Bradtke, Member, Hospitalized (February 24, 2024)

Sue Dagley, Mother of Kylene Hoelscher, hospice care (February 23, 2024)

Richard Ruger, Member, hospitalized (February 6, 2024)

For the family of Theresa Hartmann, mother of Ron Hartman, who died recently (February 6, 2024)

For the family of Dennis Patterson, husband of Judy (former secretary at GSLS), who died of a massive heart attack (January 31, 2024)

For the family of Cheryl Metzler,Asleep in Jesus (January 29,2024)

James Clark, brother of Carolyn Ashcraft, hospitalized with a stroke (January 24,2024)

Ruth Clark,member,hospitalized (January 9, 2024)

Prayer of thanksgiving for a new daughter to Ben & Kristen Blasingame. Juliana Catherine Beth, born Tuesday, January 2nd. (January 8th, 2024)

Julie Holkenbrink,sister of Kay Jones, Asleep in Jesus (January 5, 2024)

For the Family of Josh Chapman, School Parent, Died in a car accident (December 9, 2023)

Debbie Wink,cousin of Robin Fritzsche.Asleep in Jesus (December 12, 2023)

Pastor Perry Copus (LCMS Pastor), cancer treatment (December 11, 2023)

For Linda Endraske, mother-in-law of Ben Blasingame, hospitalized (December 2, 2023)

Jacob Brown, friend of Carlene Wirth,cancer (November 27, 2023)

For the Family of Elmer Burstadt,Asleep in Jesus (November 24, 2023)

Prayers of thanksgiving for the birth of Kevin & Deborah Wudtke's grand daughter Eloise Emma Wagenknecht (November 15, 2023)

Joann Higgins,sister of Kay Jones,stroke (November 12, 2023)

Norma Deist, grandmother to Carrie Beavers, passed away peacefully at Meridian Village on (October 27, 2023)

Shane Callahan, Friend of Will Martin, Car Accident (October 15, 2023)

Daryel Buesking, Friend of the Kruta Family, Healing and strength. (October 1, 2023)

Chase Whitworth, Infant Great Grandson of Tom and Kathy Whitworth (October 1, 2023)

Marion Anson, Mother of Harry, Hospitalized (August 27, 2023)

John Ashcraft, Member, Hospitalized (August 27, 2023)

For the Birth of Miller James Zavalgia on Friday, August 25, 2023 to Brooke and Dom Zavalgia

Ray Hoffman, Member, Surgery (August 6, 2023)

Terry Harris, friend of Carlene Wirth,Health Concerns ( August 3, 2023)

Burke Latch, Former Member, Cancer (July 9, 2023)

Diane Willgohs, Sister of Cheryl Whittmore, Broken Femur

Judy McQuality, Mother of Mandy Kitzmiller, Health and Comfort (March 19, 2023)

James Riddle, Member, Health Issues (March 10, 2023)

Pat Zimmerman, Family Friend of Burleigh & Marcy Hawk, Heart Issues (March 8, 2023)

Debra Downey, Mother of Ana Skosky, Colon Cancer (January 13, 2023)

Michael Stock,Lukemia (July 31, 2022)

Mark Robinson, Hospitalized (June 23, 2022)

Gary Whitehead, Member, Lymphoma (June 23, 2022

Judy Stock, Member, Cancer (January 20, 2022) 

Judy Rodden, M. of J. Wright – Leukemia, Hospitalized (December 4, 2021) 

John Morris, Grandfather of Debra Downing, Undergoing treatment for multiple Cancers

Wendy Brown, Friend of Ken & Kay Jones, Brain Tumors

Lydia Fenton, Granddaughter of J. Pries 


Note: We keep the families of those deceased on the prayer list for one year. All other prayer requests we keep on the list for one month unless you make a request for long term prayers. It is helpful to resubmit prayer requests with updates. 

